Cannabis Sativa Crohn’s Research-2012 May

Cannabis Sativa Crohn’s Research-2012 May

In 2013, 21 patients partcipated in the First clinical trial on the effect of Cannabis THC Satavie in IBD. Background:  As a result of a 8-week treatment with THC-rich Cannabis produced a decrease of the Crohn’s disease activity. You can read the full article here =>

Breast Cancer Research-2012 May

In 2012, Study to determine if CBD is a good treatment for aggressive breast cancer cells that are the final and fatal steps during cancer progressio. Background:  Two different syngeneic models of tumor metastasis to the lungs were chosen to determine whether treatment with CBD would reduce metastasis in vivo. Read the full story here =>

ErbB2-Driven Breast Cancer Study-2010

In 2010, Study to find novel therapies for aggressive and non-responding or relapsing patients. With MMTV-neu mouse & 87 human breast tumors Background: analyzed antitumor potential in a well established and clinically relevant model of ErbB2-driven metastatic breast cancer. You can read the full story here =>